' Motivation, Fun & a lot more...: It Is All About The Confidence...!

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

It Is All About The Confidence...!

I, when was in school, was very inferior about the face and the body I had got. I was not that horrible but not that pretty like others. I used to, therefore, sit on the front desk and study so that no person could look at my face or body. Never ever talked to people, I was never open. I used to feel like people will make mockery and that might make me cry and so stopped interacting with people. I used to get good grades but had no true or close friend in school. That was me! Yes, a girl with no confidence because she always felt she was not good looking, she thought she was thin, she thought she was bad at making eye contacts and she thought people will make fun of her.
Today, when I look myself in the mirror, I ask, am I the same person which I used to be?
To be honest, the answer is YES.
But what is that thing which has made me this what I am today?
That is just the little confidence that I have.
These days, I run a small business, I do shoots, I face camera, I give presentations, I stand in front of the crowd of 200-500 people...the list will go on.
When I did my first shoot, I actually had asked people that I am short, I do not even look pretty, why on earth you want to shoot with me? And the reply was you just give a try and be little confident. That was it.
I had learnt to ride a bike way long back and then few friends asked me whether you can ride or not. And in full confidence, I said YES! They were shocked and asked me to ride. I was frightened because I had no idea how to put gears and all. But the only thing could save me was "THE CONFIDENCE". I had a wide smile on my face and a question, how did I do that?
From whom I got this little confidence?
The answer is "I, ME AND MYSELF". The only person could make you feel better is you!
Be That Someone for Yourself!
The reason for writing a blog on this is I felt little demoralized, thought I can not do the easiest thing which all other can do but then looked back and said,
"No stupid, you have come far away from who you were. And these small things can not take away your confidence!"
People do not get successful by fluke, they work on their morale.
That's what we all must do.
Wear confidence and smile.
The rest will be taken care of.

Thank you so much for reading the blog. I really like the way you shower love on me.
Keep Reading,
Keep Inspiring!

With Love,
Aarati Jagdale

And yes,
If you really want to see how confidence works, check out my Instagram and follow me there too!
You will get the link directly when you click on the title of this blog, "It Is All About The Confidence...!".


Rutuj Tawde said...

thank you for inspiring me to believe in myself and think bigger.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

That's inspiring.I would like to work with you. Working with you will surely help me a lot ��

Unknown said...

Awesome work girl🤗

Anonymous said...

I miss your vlogs. Yesterday night i was thinking about you. i don't know why. I hope everything is ok. Take care. If possible try to post a new vlog on decision.
See ya...
Maybe that would help me to decide something.